Tranquility as defined by websters is being 1 a : free from agitation of mind or spirit ,a tranquil self-assurance, b : free from disturbance or turmoil
Tranquility is it such an illusive concept. Will it come when my business is making millions of dollars? or when my children are grown and out the house? will it come when I have all that I want?
I really think that tranquility is a state of mind. I have never been in a room with a terminally ill patient, but when I have seen it on TV or spoken to those who have experienced it, I have never heard of an individual who was restless and agitated. There were no concerns of what sale is going on or even of world affairs, but simply a peace that has been made.
In the midst of chaos in our world, in our personal lives and sometimes our own minds, I believe we can experience tranquility. Now when you have been home with children under the age of five, who have gotten into everything and left you feeling crazy at the end of the day, tranquility is a fleeting concept. Tranquility goes beyond our external circumstances. It is something found deep inside, a true contentment with who you are. A feeling that even if at the moment you are not in the most ideal situation, you will be OK. It is that mental "Calgon take me away moment" in the midst of the chaos. As I get older I am trying to find my tranquility in purpose. Doing things that have a purpose, that will impact someone in a positive way. A Random Act of Kindness perhaps; It may not be advertised in the local paper but it has given me satisfaction and peace. Stopping to read a book to your 3 year old even though you have so much to do.
Don't let tranquility be somewhat of a mystery, an unattainable dream. Find tranquility in the smallest moments. Even with the small fingerprints on the wall and the messy room you cleaned just 30 minutes ago, find tranquility. Its like taking a mental "tea" break or a candle lit bath. Experience that breathable moment despite the outside forces telling you otherwise.
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
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