Happy New Year Readers and friends,
After reading this recent New Year's blog post, I thought strongly on the three words that I want to drive this year for me. These are the words that I came up with.
I have a trusting relationship with God. He is my provider, my protector, my everything. Faith in Him has brought me through alot. However, sometimes I waver and become stressed and overwhelmed. Stressed over things I have no control over, overwhelmed with situations that He promised to take care of. Over and over again He has proven Himself to me and yet I worry. So for this year I want to have a stronger Faith in God and what He is able to accomplish in my life. For my family, for my business, for me. My pastor's new year message inspired me, He encouraged those who did not see their dreams become a reality in 2010 to hold on and know that God will bring them to fruition , maybe in 2011 but definitely when you are mature enough to handle the promises. Our waiting is simply time for God to mature us so that we could handle the fulfillment of the promise. It is almost like wanting to have your drivers license at 13....it will happen but you will have to wait. If you get it at 13 you will not be mature enough to handle the rules of the road, the quick response sometimes needed as driver, the caution that comes with knowing the dangers of misusing your vehicle. I added this at this for this work but it could also be attached to word #3
I want to complete the things that I set out to do. I sometimes set so many goals for structure at home and for me personally. I have set goals for my business and I want to learn to structure myself to complete these goals. This is year I want to complete my Bachelors degree, I only need 6 credits and I have sat around for 5 years and not completed what I needed to. I would like to start a weight loss regimen and complete it, since I am entering the Fabulous Forties...I want to be fabulous. I want to complete the blogs I start, there have so many starts in my head and on paper and they never seem to get completed. So for everything I start I want to set a completion time and/or date in 2011.
I was watching my favorite wedding planner last night...David Tutera, and he told the bride to never stop dreaming. I never want to stop dreaming and I want to dream big for this year and for the rest of my life. It has always been something that I try to instill in my girls and should be something I follow for myself. I want to trust that my dreams can come true. This word is really closely tied to my first word, For "I can do all thing, through Christ who strenghtens me" Phil 4:13. I have to have faith that "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in (me) will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" Phil 1:6.