Last night I had a wonderful opportunity to gather with some friends and sit at the feet of a Pastor, friend, mentor. We laughed and reminisced about the past, he has been instrumental in shaping all of us at some point or another when we were young. In the his true nature he posed a question about purpose, Do you feel that you have accomplished or are working in purpose? If not how and what do you need to do to start working on that? Wow what a question , not an easy one. As we all starting talking, he would ask questions to help us dig deeper and find a deeper meaning. He picked up on a word that we all used at some point....passion. We all talked about a deep passion we had for this or that. Passion that was either driving us or should be driving. How do we get to fulfill our passion and how does it tie into the bigger plan that God has for us.
It was great how he broke down vision. He said that we need to see the end first and then fill in the blanks to get there. He also said don't get to caught up in figuring out the details because God already knows them. When you think that nothing is happening, you should not be sitting around complaining, you should be be preparing for when God makes the provision for the vision. Breaking down the word Pro-before and vision- to see. God has already seen it. God has also given us free will so He gives us the plan or vision and we need to do something with it.
We are all filled with potential, our mentor mentioned that at the end of our lives we should be empty of potential. So if there is anything you are saying I wish I could have done it , then you should do it.
2Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. What a great thought that God has given us this word to remind us that he has our back.
If you are pregnant with passion, Give birth to the vision.
At the end like paul we could say "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith" 2 Timothy 4:7